
2021, the renaissance of the new dashboards era?

Data has never been more critical in the workplace than in this new reality of remote work.

👉 The workplace culture and the company’s communications with their employees have evolved. The Zoom broadcast and presentations are now short, focus on expressed gratitude and explaining the most critical priorities.

👉 The volume of video conferencing, whiteboarding, and text chat between co-workers has increased five to tenfold.

In this new reality, how do you ensure that the day-to-day work is aligned with the company’s strategy and vision?. Especially since the massive increase in videoconferencing is often due to one-on-one and transactional meetings.

Regardless of the prescribed solutions, the solutions must include rebuilding key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure that the remote work is working without any dead angle.

And the approach that has proven effective over time for this type of challenge is the Balanced Scorecard framework by Rober S. Kaplan and David P. Norton.

This framework will help organizations translate their strategy into action, taking into account their reality and ensuring that what gets tracked is what matters.

Good luck to all with this new reality! #strategy #peopleandculture